Friday, February 12, 2016

Last Day is Friday 2/12/2016

Up early to see the hens explode from the tree, before 7 a.m. Today. Back to bed to awaken Dan. Then we make coffee. We are still off to a slow start. 
Finally hrmph! Dan puts together s list of what we want to do today.

Valentine shopping/ mac nuts for chemo
Ahi wrap
Anini beach
Shave ice
Hot dog
Leftover fritatta. Leftover wine

And thats how it goes too!
The wrap is dry. And takes 45 minutes.
And wonderous with siracha sauce.
The beach is heavenly and Pilgrim goes directly into the water to swim. While Dsn dozes. I book isn't downloaded so i am restless. Lol

Home to shower and feed mr P and relieve him.  Feeling rushed but its a temporary illusion.

The shave ice costs $6.00 snd is nacadamia nut ice cream with coconut shave ice, juicy and dan pilgrim and i share it with two spoons.

The concert is fantastic.dome new pieces. La.Paloma. Doug says by next yesr they may have a home of their own. And we csn stay with them! 

A Dr. Who sat near the door told me sbout Pilgrim from her intuition. We have known each other before! He chose me.
And I chose him. 

At home Dan makes bacon and we put together a delicious potato salmon cheese and cilantro dish with toast.

The Deerhunter is on TCM and why not simply zone out.

Its been a wonderful two weeks. We have lived as Kama aina close to the land and full of Gratitude.
Aloha! Hi and bye. . . 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday 2/11/2016

I love love love awakening at 6:30, and I did, well rested. Mymeditations hsve been flighty. Up to an hour, sometimes compositional, sometimes intuitive. Tday I started with alternate nostril breathing.

I woke Dan with a cuddle and a fresh pot of coffee. It had rained over night. We ate taro pancakes and a fried egg.
Then Dan took Pilgrim out.

We showered and dressed to hot tub. Theairwascool and the tub just right. It was an invigorating stsrt to our twentieth anniversary of when Dan 'set his cap' for me at the red party.

We planned to hike at Lumahai Gardens and we did. We took our time, very pleasant! And we took a selfie:

I found this endearing:

And there were some lovely glowers:

After our hike, we witnessed a fall at the gardens office. Emergency vehicles were on the way.

We ate fish burritos at Pat's Tacqueria.
And ate them at home. Dan bought me a yummy kombucha. . . Mango peach pomelo.

Sfter lunch we headed to Anini Beach. We found a deep beach with sun and shade. I found this with minutes to go!

Once home i called Dad. He and Margaret didn't have a good day. He was ready for bed. Dan ordered Boys in the Boat  for Ken on Amazon.

We watched the debate. Clinton vs Sanders.

Whsles and Wine is a new event going on at the Cliffs. We talked with Psm and left quickly before s rain shower. Dan snapped this amazing photo:

We  dressed for dinner. We had a reservations for dinner at 7:00 at BarAcuda . Some mysterious calamity struck and they had to close immediately.
Plan B was a burger at the 76 station. They were closing. Home we went for a toasted cheese and salad.

We caught the end of Top Hat.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday 2/10/16

Today I awoke at 6:30! Thats 10 hours after i went to sleep, And it was dark out when we took our seat outdoor.

An hour later We woke Dan up. Pilgrim heard him first. The coffee was weak, i forgot to put the lid down.

We ate granola and remarked about the thunderous surf. Waves up to 50 ' are expected.

We go to the point so Dan can receive his healing scouring.

Then we drive to the Church of the Pacific to volunteer at the Food Pantry. We work with Darlene making 50 boxes forthe home  bound. We packed a can of fruit and a vegetable, rice, crackers chips and cookies, 3 potatoes and an onion. 2 apples and either bread or tortillas. The meat milk cheese and yogurt were added later. Then we went home. At 4 people who can arrive and make choices file through another row of tables. We left our phone number but they must not have needed us.

A swing by the office netted us a bag of decaf coffee and a Cliffs cap. My twenty dollars gift for naming the Lighthouse on Monday.

After a rest, we went to lunch at the Hanalei Gourmet. Dan needed a burger fix, and I, the Hanalei Waldorf. Pilgrim seemed toired.

Dan thoughthe wanted a shirt, but changed his mind. Home we went to call Kenneth. He was tired.They Spent many hours seeing the Dr. today. Margaret weighs 89 pounds! 

Dan napped and i reduced a palm frond to Ash. And found an Ash Wednesday liturgy. Later;)

We went to the point to appreciate the waves before sunset. There may have been a wedding party. Guitar and hula and a lady in white. Just couldn't figure out who her partner was. We satnear a couple and their 5 month old baby Olivia.
Nicole let me hold Baby. Shaun and 
Nicole fly home To Calgary on tonight's red eye.

We fired up the microwave for the tri color lasagne and I madea green salad. The red wine tasted good! Its been a bit cool here.

After dinner we read our Ash wednesday service and imposite ashes on one another.

Then an hour of OPB on moose.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Yoga with the guy named Nick

I liked it:) my favorite pose was Gomukasana on the Wall 
Followed by Paschimotasana.
There were three weird ones.
Supine lotus pose on belly
A block pressed into soft tissue below occiput.
And a twist with arm under along spine. 
Not sure what he wanted but I with 'an economy of movement' assumed the position.
Felt good those extreme new poses.

Second Tuesday

I slept better than Dan, but he joined me for coffee at 7:30.  I tried to make waffles and blew it! So taro pancakes win the day; with bananas and coconut syrup;) 
Dan cleaned the waffle iron. . . 

We walked to the point but no whales appeared. I overheard an Asian lady saying she came to Princeville by taxi and the meter was running while she hurriedly shopped. She had no butter. I brought here half of ours. She was grateful.
"You saved me!"
I asked if she needed anything from the farmers market. She asked if she and her sister from Japan could come with us. 
Sure;) see you at 1:30.

We spent the morning at Anini. Pilgrim watched a sleek pointer swimming with a stick and I had to hurry to take his harness off so he could swim too! He was going OUT towards the reef so I called him back;) Dan may have had to swim out to tow him in! Then he found a tennis ball and played hard, diggig it and chasing it through the sand!

I am still 'reading' audiobook By the Water's Edge.

We came home at 1:00 nibbled on hors doerves jand i made a sweet smoothie - banana pineapple and papaya. Ice makes it a frappe.

We mail and anniversary card to Joe and Jahnavee. And load Kako and her sister into the car. They had such a great time at the market!!
We bought lasagne, pineapple and bananas.

The New Hampshire primary is televised so I made fried egg sandwiches for us while Dan tuned in. Pilgrim slept. 

Yoga later: Relax Deeply!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday 2/9/2016

First things first! We have a grocery list somewhere. . .  Tomatoes, greens, coffee, granola, bread, bacon and red wine. And a new bag:)we ran into Darlene from the UCC who told us about working at the Food Pantry on Wednesday.
We unpack, regroup and head to the point to watch whales. One little 'squirt' is having the time of his life; flapping tail and pec fins:)
But we're hungry and need to get to the Kileaua Fish Market for juicy shi wraps:

 We share one. Later a few beers to share.

We set up camp at Anini Beach. Dan in the shade and me a 50/50 dappled sun. Mr. P likes it cool like Dan.


Home at four to call Dad who stayed in his jams today! And Tom whose hip and shoulder hurt.

The weekly pupu party is at five. We greet Earl and Mary. Pam and Bruce join us. They are in the end of 8 on 2nd floor. "Love to watch us" st the point, especially Pilgrim;)

Dan drives to the shell station got a cheese pizza ($12.00) while i slice tomatoes snd green onion and cook bacon. We eat outdoors with a candlelight and Syrah.

Moving indoors Patton is on, we just relax. We read alot at the beach today.
Sweet Dreams!

Second Monday 2/8

Thunderous waves crash.
Pink grey clouds like batting stretch,
In stillness God speaks.